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Boaz Barak (instructor), Brian Sapozhnikov (Head TF), Albert Chalom, Alexis Ross, Charles O’Mara, Daniel Chen, David Li , Jambay Kinley, Jane Ahn, John Shen, Josh Seides, Laura Pierson, Pranay Tankala, Raymond Lin, Theresa Nguyen, Wanqian Yang, William Fu, Hikari Sorensen (Extension TF), Eric Lu (Patel Fellow), Yueqi Sheng (Advanced section), Chi Ning Chou (Advanced section).
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Duality of code and data Feeding programs to other programs or themselves.
Universality One program can evaluate all others.
Completeness and Emergence/Phase transitions All sufficiently rich models are equivalent.
Uncomputability and intractability The dark side of completeness
Role of randomness in computation
Hardness as a resource derandomization, cryptography
Physical world as a computer (e.g., biological systems, social systems, quantum computers,..)
Theorem 1: For every function \(F:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) there is an \(O(2^n/n)\) line NAND program computing \(F\). (last week)
Theorem 2: There is an \(O(S^2 \log S)\) line NAND program that computes \(EVAL_{S,n,m}:\{0,1\}^{S+n} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^m\), where for \(P\in \{0,1\}^S\) and \(x\in \{0,1\}^n\), \(EVAL_{S,n,m}(P,x)=P(x)\). (today)
Theorem 3: There exists \(F:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) that is not in \(Size(2^n/(100n))\). (today)
Thm 3: something can’t be done
Thm 1+2: something can be done: algorithms, programming
An algorithm is a piece of text that can be interpreted as instructions for manipulating pieces of text.
“Trivial observation:” Every NAND program of \(s\) lines can be written using \(O(s \log s)\) alphanumeric + whitespace characters
Corollary 1: Can think of an \(s\)-line program \(P\) as an \(S=O(s \log s)\) bit string.
Corollary 2: Can think of a string \(x\) as a program \(P\).
Corollary 3: Sometimes your computer will think of your strings as programs.
How many functions are there from \(\{0,1\}^4\) to \(\{0,1\}\)? pollev.com/cs121
a. 16
b. 128
c. 1024
d. 65536
Lemma: \(|\{ f | f:A \rightarrow B \}| = |B|^{|A|}\).
Theorem 3: There exists \(F:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) that is not in \(Size(2^n/(100n))\).
Proof: We’ll show \(|Size(2^n/(100n))| \lt 2^{2^n}\).
Represent \(s\) line program in \(\leq 10s\log s\) length string.
For \(s=\tfrac{2^n}{100n}\), length \(\leq 10\tfrac{2^n}{100 n}\log(\tfrac{2^n}{100 n})\)
\(\leq \tfrac{2^n}{10 n}n = \tfrac{2^n}{10}\).
\(|Size(2^n/(100n))| \lt 2^{2^n/10}\). QED
Restatement: \(|Size(2^n/(100n))| \leq 2^{0.1 2^n}\).
Fact: Can simulate \(s\)-node neural network by \(100\cdot s^3\) line NAND program.
Exercise: 99.9% of functions mapping a \(100\times 100\) black and white image to a 0/1 value cannot be computed by a neural network of fewer than \(10^{500}\) nodes. vs \(10^{11}\) neurons in brain, \(10^{22}\) neurons on earth, \(10^{82}\) atoms in observable universe
Almost no function on 100 by 100 images is computable by less-than-universe-sized neural network!
Restatement: A random function is uncomputable by less-than-universe-sized neural network with probability \(\geq 0.999\).
Reconcile the following two facts:
Theorem 2: There is an \(O(S^2 \log S)\) line NAND program that computes \(EVAL_{S,n,m}:\{0,1\}^{S+n} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^m\), where for \(P\in \{0,1\}^S\) and \(x\in \{0,1\}^n\), \(EVAL_{S,n,m}(P,x)=P(x)\). Actually: Only care that it’s \(O(S^c)\) for some \(c\gt0\): i.e., \(poly(s)\).
In words:
Take description of \(s\)-line NAND program \(P(x)\): \(S=O(s \log s)\) bits.
Take input \(x \in \{0,1\}^n\)
Finite function: Obviously computable in \(2^{O(s \log s)}\) lines.
Content of theorem: Can be done in much fewer lines: \(poly(s)\)
Let \(EQUAL_n:\{0,1\}^{2n} \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) defined as
Prove that \(EQUAL_n \in SIZE(O(n))\). (i.e., there is \(c\) such that for suff. large \(n\), \(EQUAL_n \in SIZE(c\cdot n))\)
Data structures: Use \(LOOKUP\), \(EQUAL\) to implement arrays, lists, etc.. (good enough if you don’t care about the difference between \(O(n)\) and \(O(n^2)\))
\(UPDATE(T,i,v) = T'\) such that \(T'_j = \begin{cases}T_i & i\neq j \\ v & i=j \end{cases}\)
Can “hardwire” constants. E.g. for \(a\in \{0,1\}^n\) compute \(EQUAL_a:\{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}\) that outputs \(1\). Use zero and one.
Replace finite loops or recursion with copy-paste.
Rule of thumb: If your computer can do it in \(s\) cycles, there is a \(\approx s^2\) line NAND program to do it too.
Intuitive notion of algorithm: describe in one page an arbitrary length computation.
NAND programs: \(s\) lines \(=\) \(s\) steps. Can access at most \(3s\) locations of memory.
Introduce NAND++: NAND with loops and arrays.
NAND= straightline programs = Boolean circuits
NAND++ = general programs = Turing machines